The Social-Emotional Impact of the Cochlear Implant on Children

Challenges Deaf Children Face This article provides an overview of the emotional impact of cochlear implants on children. Also, it discusses the social impact and the subsequent effects it may have. According to a study by Janna R Stein at Pace University in 2007,  deaf children have difficulty socializing with a group of hearing peers. … Read more

History of the Cochlear Implant

Adam Kissiah with the World Ability Award trophy

Adam M. Kissiah, Jr. Invented the Cochlear Implant This article provides a summary of Adam Kissiah’s paper on the history of the cochlear implant. Read Adam Kissiah’s full paper on The History of the Cochlear Implant. The idea for artificial or electronic correction of hearing loss was first publicized in 1957.  The French team of … Read more

What is a Cochlear Implant and How Does it Work?

Cochlear Implant User

Introduction Helen Keller wrote in her autobiography, The Story of My Life (first published in 1905): “I am just as deaf as I am blind. The problems of deafness are deeper and more complex, if not more important, than those of blindness. Deafness is a much worse misfortune. It means the loss of the most … Read more

The Impact of the Cochlear Implant on Society

How Adam Kissiah Changed the World This paper, written by Adam Kissiah, discusses the impact of the cochlear implant on society. It covers the technology transfer of the discovery, growth, and expansion of the subject of the Cochlear Implant and its impact on the deaf community. This technology transfer was brought to the public light … Read more